
Authentication Process Everything on Beyond Luxurys comes with the assurance of Authenticity. The chosen brands stand for elegance and high standards of craftsmanship. There is a zero-tolerance policy for counterfeit goods. The validation process is standardized yet rigorous to ensure our consumers don’t purchase anything less than the finest luxury merchandize from Beyond Luxurys.
 All products are subject to a rigorous, multi-layered, brand-specific authentication process by our team of luxury brand authenticators, horologists, gemologists. Luxepolis has partnered with the best authenticators all over the world to ensure that no fake products are (ever) shipped from our warehouse.
 Beyond Luxurys authentication team inspects all goods for appropriate product material used, hardware used, ​zipper quality and make, leather trimming, seam line stitch consistencies, ​brand markings and logo printing and embossing, date codes or serial tags and hologram stickers.
 We are also registered with leading authentication groups, forums and industry bodies that most luxury brands are associated with.
 Authentication Team Beyond  luxurys global authentication team is seasoned and has collectively over  years of experience in authenticating over 200+ luxury and premium brands across categories.
 John Wang China
 Years of experience in authentication: 8 Top brands: SEIKO , ROLEX Specialties: watches , accessories,  John  has worked for several well known authentication services in the past, and is valuable asset to the team. He collaborates with other authenticators to keep updated on his specialties. While he authenticates several brands, which he collects, and also volunteers helping others with authentication in various social media groups.
 Margaret Shanghai
 Years of experience in authentication: 15 Top brands: Hermes Specialties: Handbags, including unknown styles, and vintage Margaret has extensive experience in all things Hermes for over 10 years. Her extensive collection includes refurbishing bags and accessories. She also authenticates jewelry, watches and ready-to-wear. She helps others with Hermes LV Dior Prada Bags Quality checking and has sold professionally since 2001.
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